Fast Edge Performance

Experience zero-latency edge performance

Zeri Latency Edge Performance
Multi-Protocol Support

Multi-Protocol Support

Nasuni supports all popular file transfer protocols, including SMB, NFS, and Amazon S3. Whatever your application or use case, Nasuni has you covered. And with the increased performance of S3, you can handle very large workloads and high file volume with ease.

Fast Cache, Happy Users

Fast Cache, Happy Users

Nasuni’s intelligent caching at the edge makes it the best performing hybrid cloud solution in the market for your users and applications. It stores frequently accessed files locally on edge appliances, eliminating cloud latency for the files they are working on right now.

Time-Warp for Sharing Files

Instant Enterprise File Sharing

Nasuni eliminates distance barriers for collaborating and sharing files big and small. Users share their files fast and easily from anywhere to anywhere on the planet, in the same global file system, within minutes.

Eliminate File Replication Costs

Eliminate File Replication Costs

Nasuni eliminates replication and duplication costs by using cloud object storage as the back-end for the “gold copy” of all file data and metadata. Nasuni continuously captures changes to the file system across all locations and synchronizes them wherever they are being used. This eliminates the need for expensive data replication infrastructure used for file-sharing and DR.