Hybrid cloud infrastructure for modern enterprises

Set your data free from outdated infrastructure

See what you can achieve without constraints

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Chapter 1

Your current storage architecture is slow and static

But the demands on your infrastructure are changing fast.

Unstructured file data is exploding. Companies are using more data at the edge.

It easily overwhelms hardware-centric storage architectures.

How do you keep up with growing demands with a static budget and innovate to unlock the intelligence residing in your corporate data?

All while avoiding panic-inducing calls of I can’t access my files?

There is a better way

You can solve all of this without any disruption to your end users. Forget rip-and-replace. This is a seamless transition.

Ready for the solution?

Jump to the platform

Chapter 2

Your worst headache is also your biggest opportunity

Isn’t it nice when things just work? Your data is safe, your storage scales, your end users collaborate with ease.

Company merger? Major reorg? New locations? Easy.

Because your data infrastructure feels fluid. It has flow. It can flex.

Yeah, we know your hardware-centric storage architecture is nothing like that. But it’s good to dream.

What if it was also your reality? 

Less stress from server outages, natural disasters, and other disruptions to file access. Faster RPO/RTO and no more manual work to restore lost files. More innovation, insights, ideation – and all within budget.

What turns your cost burden into your biggest opportunity?

Fluid data storage infrastructure.

A hybrid cloud, AI-ready approach sets you up for a world of change – and with lower costs, better risk mitigation, streamlined workflows, and happier users.

So, what’s stopping you? We can probably take a guess.

Chapter 3

Rigid data silos will crush your business strategy

Business as usual is a big blocker to getting the full value from your data.

Let’s look at what’s getting in the way.

It’s easy to accept operational infrastructure friction as the cost of doing business. If you continue with legacy infrastructure, it comes with a big cost: opportunity.

Hardware-centric storage architectures are too rigid to adapt in a world that demands agility. Legacy NAS can’t scale infinitely, provide high performance at the edge, or deliver consistent security across multiple sites.

The end result isn’t a pretty picture:

Disconnected data impeding on collaboration across teams

Over-provisioning and sunk costs on multiple storage environments

Storage limitations that prohibit scaling data volumes

Poor edge performance that impacts end users and applications

Data reconciliation issues and lost files

Infrastructure expenses that eat into IT budgets

It’s the accepted way of doing things. But you’re different. You can imagine a better way.

How are real customers achieving data fluidity with hybrid cloud storage?

Chapter 4

It’s time to forget the status quo and meet data flow

Fluid data infrastructure for the hybrid cloud world is where unstructured data meets empowered users.

Hybrid cloud storage gives you insight-ready data and simplified file management – all while increasing storage access and performance.

You know it’s time to get your data AI-ready. Set. Go.

This is how. It gives you control of your enterprise data, provides a platform for consolidation, and cuts costs by up to 65%.

It’ll be so revolutionary that no one will notice. They’ll just notice that their files are there, when and where they need them.

Chapter 5

Welcome to Nasuni

We give our customers an edge at the edge – and they know it. 

You shouldn’t have to choose between expensive tinkering or wholesale transformation of your infrastructure estate. So don’t.

Attack your infrastructure challenges from the bottom up, one step at a time.

In the hybrid world, Nasuni is a future-proof solution that can handle any changes to your business needs.

We’ll give you a hybrid cloud approach to your data infrastructure that offers:

  • High performance at the edge
  • Control over your data
  • Effortless scale
  • Storage consolidation
  • Cost reduction

So you can:

  • Accelerate your use of AI
  • Surface the hidden insights in your data for faster innovation
  • Improve service to your end users
  • Gain control of your data, security and network performance
  • Improve workflows and collaboration

Case studies

Check out companies that made the switch to hybrid cloud data storage

Get in touch today for a demo or tour