Gartner Highlights Nasuni in Hybrid Cloud Storage and Hybrid Cloud File Data Services Categories

Nasuni’s Lance Shaw discusses Nasuni’s hybrid cloud storage placements in Gartner’s ‘Hype Cycle for Storage Technologies, 2024.

September 4, 2024  |  Lance Shaw

Gartner just released its latest Hype Cycle for Storage Technologies, and it’s great news for Nasuni, our customers, and the organizations contemplating a switch to modern file data management. According to Gartner, the percentage of file and object data consolidated on file data platforms will double by 2028, and services consumption will more than triple, relative to on-premises solutions. The analyst firm projects that hybrid cloud storage could drive disruption, deliver significant benefits, and continue changing how data is managed within large enterprises for the next ten years.

At Nasuni, we see evidence of these changes every day. Our customer base is growing and diversifying. High retention rates and industry-leading NPS scores demonstrate that we’re providing lasting value. The Nasuni File Data Platform itself keeps improving thanks to new innovations like Nasuni IQ and strategic integrations with leading AI tools. These and other proof points, combined with our recent investment news, add up to a company that has its best years ahead.

Hype Cycle for Storage Technologies, 2024

What Gartner Hype Cycles provide is unbiased insight into the maturity, adoption, and business impact of emerging or evolving technologies. They are tools designed to help executives and IT leaders plot out long-term investment strategies. The Hype Cycle for Storage Technologies, 2024 places us in two categories: Hybrid Cloud Storage and Hybrid Cloud File Data Services.

As a company and solution provider, Nasuni has always been a little difficult to categorize precisely, given that our platform combines storage, data protection, enhanced global access and collaboration, ransomware recovery, and now data intelligence and AI-readiness in a single solution. Yet Gartner’s categorizations fit, and we’re proud to share that they have recognized us as a leader in the Hybrid Cloud Storage space along with AWS and Microsoft.

The Hype Cycle diagram is famous for its cleverly named phases, from the innovation trigger to the “plateau of productivity.” Interestingly, Gartner has advanced the Hybrid Cloud Storage category past the peak of its hype toward the noted “trough of disillusionment.” Think of this next phase as a trial that only the best companies will endure. A company is going to need highly satisfied customers, continued adoption by new organizations, and ongoing product investment to advance on to the slope of enlightenment and, eventually, the vaunted plateau of productivity.

The Next Phase for Hybrid Cloud Storage

We’re more than ready for this phase. We welcome this test. In fact, we already meet these criteria today. Track some of our latest innovations Scour through our customer reviews. Listen to what IT leaders have to sayabout our platform, our people, how they sleep better at night with Nasuni. We’re cash flow positive and backed by a major technology investor. All of which points to Nasuni being a company on the rise – one that is very well-positioned to accelerate through the curve to those delightfully productive and enlightened next stages in our maturation.

As you read through Gartner’s Hype Cycle for Storage Technologies, take note of the associated Priority Matrix as well. This is a helpful tool that provides guidance into the maturity of a technology, the expected years to mainstream adoption, and the level of benefit it will likely provide. The Priority Matrix for Storage Technologies indicates a high level of benefit for Hybrid Cloud Storage, and Gartner’s analysts see it becoming fully mainstream within 2-5 years. These projections are subjective, of course, but they align with what we’re seeing at Nasuni. Data is growing at ever-increasing rates. Ransomware continues to take down massive organizations. And IT leaders recognize that they can’t leave their data siloed in the age of AI.

These and other factors are accelerating interest in hybrid cloud storage in general and Nasuni in particular. So, if you haven’t made the transition to hybrid cloud storage technology yet, set aside a few minutes, read Gartner’s report, and reach out to us if you have any questions about how we can help.

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