Great Customers, Awards, and Other Bits of Good News
Nasuni was recently named the Data Breakthrough Awards, 2020 Data Storage Solution of the Year.
April 16, 2020
We all need a pick me up during these tough times. There is nothing better than seeing the world helping others in need right now. An inside tip – if you are on Twitter follow @Goodable. They do a great job of sharing ‘good news’ with no agenda!
Meanwhile, at Nasuni we have had a great couple of weeks. It started with receiving amazing stories from our customers on how we helped them quickly transition from office to remote work. When you are in the infrastructure software business you tend to be ‘hidden’ or seen as ‘plumbing’, so if you are doing your job and ‘it just works’ you don’t hear a lot from customers. Well this changed for us this past month because our 500+ customers realized quickly that being cloud-first made a huge difference in their ability to enable their employees to work from home. When your file data is in the cloud you shouldn’t miss anything when you move physical locations.
One of my favorite stories so far is a customer who told us that two weeks ago, on the 24th of March, the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that Indian workers would ALL have to stay at home – that’s well over a billion people – in an attempt to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. This sudden shutdown put our customers’ Indian operations at risk – with both home workers unable to access files trapped in NAS silos (NetApp mainly) in their Indian sites. It means that, with no people in those Indian offices, the usual processes of collaboration breaks down and that the European HQ and other locations also cannot so readily access that content and related workflows either, with everyone in India gone home for the duration. Nasuni to the rescue. Our IT group was asked to form a Tiger Team to figure out how they could mitigate these and related operational risks. Luckily, one of the members of the Tiger Team is our Nasuni lead who runs the global storage team. They quickly identified that moving file data from Indian NAS silos to the cloud could solve these problems. This is one of many stories and here are a few other customer quotes:
- “Nasuni and DFS made this possible as a very quick response to the COVID-19 crisis, which required us to go from an internal workforce to a fully functioning remote workforce almost overnight.”– Michael Massey, director of IT at Osborn Engineering
- “Penspen’s shift to Nasuni has delivered real value in the last month as we transitioned our entire global workforce to a working from home model without having to worry about disrupting project delivery, global collaboration or productivity.”– Andrew Bond, director of IT at Penspen
Then, this week was a big week for Nasuni and awards. Over the past week we were honored to receive two awards– just what the doctored ordered in these tough times. First, it was the “Data Storage Solution of the Year” in the 2020 Data Breakthrough Awards and then we were recognized as one of ‘The 20 Coolest Data Management Companies’ in CRN’s 2020 Storage 100.
The group over at Data Breakthrough stated: “Leading companies like Nasuni are disrupting the file services and storage markets with their ability to enable enterprises to not only simplify management and collaboration around large unstructured data files, but also greatly reduce costs,” said James Johnson, managing director of Data Breakthrough.”
We are proud of these customer stories and for being recognized by independent companies for our work in moving away from legacy hardware-based file storage to a cloud-based approach. Nasuni is disrupting legacy file infrastructure with a revolutionary approach that turns the traditional model of NAS upside down by decoupling the file system from the hardware device and delivering a software defined solution, born in the cloud. In today’s uncertain times we believe the cloud will become more important than ever – no company will want to outlay CAPEX to purchase hardware-based file storage that requires people to be in physical locations to ‘rack and stack’.
We are grateful to receive these honors from our customers and 3rd party experts such as Data Breakthrough & CRN. Stay safe!